2/19/19 The ninth day. Three sightings today, one of which was thankfully, but despondently, mine. Edie failed to respond to all beckons, including my own. She was running, obviously traumatized and scared, untrusting, trying to find safety and comfort, trying to find home, oblivious to all else. I had been warned of this. She is scared, and in survival mode, as she has to be. But let me tell you, that I have never been so heartbroken and despondent in my life as to have her right there, before my eyes after eight days, within forty yards, with the opportunity to bring her home to warmth and safety, trying every twist of inflection that has solicited ready response for 8 years, only to watch her run away, not stop, and never look back. She was so scared and traumatized, she wouldn't. Now she faces another cold, wet night with 5 days of icy and hard weather predicted, because I could not get her to respond and bring her home. A terrible thing to live with. Which sadly brings us to the point of probability that she will have to become so depleted and hungry she is forced to go to some one, or attach herself to a place or area and pattern of relative shelter and food that she might be live trapped. The only good thing about the day was that, at least this morning she was alive, still strong, and apparently unharmed. Every hour increases the jeopardy. The last sighting this morning, three miles from home, was in the Tar River, Blackley, and Tom Hunt triangle, and if she continued the straight path she was running, it would carry her back into the Hester, Tar River and Sam Moss-Hayes Roads block. Back in the direction of home. Pray God, but who knows? We are praying not toward Hwys 15 or 56. We are especially and greatly indebted and grateful, as we were yesterday to another caring young couple, and as we are to all of you who are offering continuous prayers and hope that this ordeal for Edie will end happily, to the fine young couple of Amanda Cooke and Tyler Parker for calling me IMMEDIATELY upon their sighting this morning, and presenting the opportunity to bring Edie home, though we were not able. They spent two and half benevolent hours or more aiding my efforts in trying to keep up with her and safely bring her home. It restores all your faith in goodness and humankind. So now on with the vigil please, the continuous dissemination of awareness, wherever we may need to take it. For for seventy years with many dogs, this has been my worst nightmare, losing a beloved dog, and now at 76, that it has happened, out the back door, it is worse than the worst I have ever imagined. However, despite the despondency of the day, there is tomorrow, and while there is still life, there is hope and no quit. Our deepest and eternal gratitude to the growing many who keep prayer, hope, and vigil with us that, ultimately, Edie will come safely and happily home. We love you all. Once again, call immediately if you see her, do not try to chase, try to gently coax her to you with soft tones and food if you can. God bless.
Latest: A Pinnacle of Hope, a black cavern of heartbreak.